
Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. releases Q1 results

The first quarter of 2022, which ended on March 31, was reported by Banco BBVA Argentina S.A. today. The Bank began reporting its inflation-adjusted results in accordance with IAS 29 reporting as of January 1, 2020.

According to IAS 29 reporting, statistics for similar quarters of 2021 and 2022 have been revised to reflect the cumulative effect of inflation adjustment for each period up to March 31, 2022, to make comparisons easier.

The first-quarter net income for BBVA Argentina, adjusted for inflation, was $4.0 billion, which is 27.1% less than the $5.5 billion recorded for the fourth quarter of 2021 and 12.3% less than the $4.6 billion reported for the first quarter of 2002.

BBVA Argentina reported an inflation-adjusted average return on assets (ROAA) of 1.4% and an average return on equity (ROE) of 9.0% for the first quarter. Total consolidated finance to the private sector totalled $413.2 billion in the first quarter, down 10.3% from the previous quarter and 8.4% in real terms from the fourth quarter.

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