
SMC first Korean hospital to achieve Stage 6

Samsung Medical Center has set a notable record as the first South Korean healthcare provider to acquire a Stage 6 certification under the HIMSS Infrastructure Adoption Model.

The medical center is also already gunning for its Stage 7 certification, which will be a record-setting feat on a global scale. The tertiary hospital revealed to Healthcare IT News that it has completed an infrastructure assessment through INFRAM.

The eight-stage ladder helps healthcare leaders assess and map healthcare infrastructure and the technology capabilities required to reach and cross their infrastructure goals while looking to keep up with international benchmarks and standards as provisioned in the model.

SMC claims to have pioneered the use of robots in the country’s healthcare scene. Some of the major milestones the hospital has crossed in this area include the launch of robots that automatically dispose of medical waste from operating rooms and an AI-enabled Smart Caregiver service that is able to examine the health conditions of elderly patients in real-time. It has also enabled real-time HD video analysis of surgeries by transmitting a huge amount of data via its 5G network.

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