
Payoneer Unveils Enhanced Features

In a strategic move to bolster its support for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) worldwide, Payoneer, the leading financial technology company, has announced a series of new features aimed at improving the overall customer experience and facilitating easier integration into the global economy.

Oren Ryngler, Chief Product Officer at Payoneer, emphasised the company’s commitment to empowering SMBs by continually evolving to provide enhanced control and flexibility. The newly introduced ‘Add Funds’ feature allows customers to directly add money from their local bank accounts into their Payoneer accounts, offering greater financial control for global transactions. This feature is currently available in select countries in Latin America and Europe, with further expansion in the pipeline.

Payoneer Checkout, introduced in 2022, has undergone significant updates to ensure smoother experiences for SMB merchants accepting online payments. The latest enhancements include pre-dispute alerts to prevent chargebacks, and the Native Shopify checkout feature streamlines the payment process for consumers by eliminating redirects within the online store.

The financial platform has also rolled out improvements for managing payments efficiently. Notable updates include support for multiple payment requests, with batch payment processing now accommodating up to 200 requests at once. Furthermore, batch payments now facilitate sending funds to 500 Payoneer accounts simultaneously. A forthcoming role management feature aims to distribute workloads by enabling account owners to set up contributor roles for their staff.

These advancements underline Payoneer’s ongoing efforts to provide a robust financial ecosystem for SMBs, enabling them to scale into new markets and thrive globally.

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