
Nordea Investment Acquires 381,782 Shares of LLA Ltd.

Holdings Channel reports that Nordea Investment Management AB increased its holdings in Liberty Latin America Ltd. shares by 207.3% in the first quarter.

After purchasing an additional 381,782 shares of the company’s stock during the time frame, the institutional investor now owns 565,924 shares of the stock. The value of Nordea Investment Management AB’s investment in Liberty Latin America at the end of the most recent quarter was $5,512,000.

The positions of a few other significant investors in LILAK have also lately changed. In the fourth quarter, Shorehaven Wealth Partners LLC acquired a new stake in Liberty Latin America shares worth $128,000.

The fourth quarter saw a 708.1% increase in Barrow Hanley Mewhinney & Strauss LLC’s holdings in Liberty Latin America shares. Following the acquisition of 10,699 additional shares over the last three months, Barrow Hanley Mewhinney & Strauss LLC now directly owns 12,210 shares of the company’s stock, valued at $139,000 (up from 1,220).

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