
Microsoft taps Copenhagen Fintech in Denmark

Microsoft has announced a partnership with Copenhagen Fintech to offer technology and guidance to new fintech firms in Denmark. Experts from Microsoft will provide advice, mentoring, and expertise on the latest technologies to encourage startups to flourish in the region.

Copenhagen Fintech CEO, Thomas Krogh Jenson, stated that they are trying to “orchestrate an ecosystem and give lots of companies the best basis to grow, develop talent and skills.” The partnership with Microsoft is significant, he added, as they are a global leading technology company.

The Danish fintech ecosystem is one of the leaders in Europe and is a significant driver of growth, innovation and job creation, according to Jacob Engsig, the financial service industry lead at Microsoft. Engsig also said that both Microsoft and the financial sector can learn from fintech companies, which are adept at reimagining a specific part of the value chain, and contribute to some of the innovation that drives the financial sector forward.

Engsig stated that “in addition to our technological knowledge, we can contribute to building a bridge between the fintech companies of the future and the established players in our ecosystem, which include both partners and customers.”

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