
KKR Raises $6.4bn for Infrastructure and Energy Fund in APAC

Global investment firm KKR & Co announced that it has successfully raised $6.4 billion for its fund dedicated to infrastructure and energy-related investments in the Asia Pacific region. This fund is considered the largest pan-regional infrastructure fund raised for the Asia Pacific, emphasising the increasing interest and demand for such investments in the region. KKR mentioned that the fund has received strong support from a diverse group of global investors, including public and corporate pensions, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies, endowment funds, and asset managers.

The fund’s mandate covers various sectors, including renewables, power and utilities, water and wastewater, digital infrastructure, and transportation. KKR has already invested or committed over half of the fund’s capital across approximately 10 investments. The firm highlighted the significance of infrastructure investments in Asia, which accounts for more than 60% of global growth.

KKR’s recent deal activities include acquiring a 20% stake in Singapore Telecommunications’ regional data centre business and investing $400 million in Malaysian subsea telecommunications cable services provider OMS Group. The firm’s infrastructure and energy investments contribute to the broader trend of increased mergers and acquisitions in the infrastructure and energy sector globally.

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