
iGan Partners launch $250m HealthTech fund in Mena

In conjunction with Dubai-based entrepreneur and investor Faisal Belhoul, Canadian healthcare technology investor iGan Partners has announced a new $250 million fund focused on healthcare technology in the Middle East and North Africa.

The new iGan Arabia fund will invest in medical equipment and digital health technologies that are powered by artificial intelligence and cloud technology. Its goal is to enhance patient outcomes while also lowering healthcare costs.

The fund aims to raise $250 million through limited partnerships, with another $250 million in co-investments. The fund intends to collaborate with local investors, healthcare organizations, and government entities. According to Sam Ifergan, founder and CEO of iGan Partners.

“We see the GCC as a rapidly transformative region, particularly in the healthcare sector … [we] have identified innovative opportunities across digital health, connected medical devices, healthcare IT and AI,” he said.

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