
Huawei invests in data centres in Africa

Huawei, the Chinese telecoms giant, is aiming to collaborate with African countries to establish data centres. Senegal recently inaugurated its newest data centre.

“We contribute to the creation of data centres and the training of human resources. We are the partner to build the data centre, to provide the equipment, the platform and to improve the connection with the applications of the different partners,” said Philippe Wang, Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications for Huawei in North Africa.

Many Western governments have blacklisted Huawei, yet at least 25 African countries have no reason to distrust the Chinese business.

“I think that this is a very important subject. It allows sub-Saharan countries to start having their own infrastructure to manage their own data”, adds the Vice President.

Although headquartered in China, Huawei has a substantial foothold in Africa’s telecoms sector. Africa wants to become more connected, but transferring its data centres to a foreign country carries hazards.

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