
HSBC names Asia co-heads for retail banking business

HSBC Holdings PLC has announced the appointment of two executives who will be tasked with ensuring the smooth running of its Asia Pacific commercial banking business. This is part of moves by the London-headquartered lender to further refocus on and reprioritize the region in a bid to boost growth.

Amanda Murphy, who currently serves as head of its commercial banking business for Britain, has now been assigned the task of leading the bank’s commercial banking operations in South and Southeast Asia based in Singapore, HSBC said in a statement on Monday.

Hong Kong-based Frank Fang, who held the same role but in Hong Kong will extend the frontiers of his responsibilities – he’ll be the head of commercial banking for Hong Kong and Macau. Frank Fang will stay on as the lead of the businesses in both markets and help clients as they seek to leverage opportunities that are becoming more apparent from the Greater Bay Area, HSBC said.

Both executives will serve as joint leaders of the Asian commercial banking business and report to Barry O’Byrne, Hong Kong-based CEO for HSBC’s global commercial banking.

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