
Finnish investor targets 4GW of European renewables

Korkia, a Finnish investment firm, has formed a private equity fund that would invest in renewable energy projects primarily in Europe, with a transaction flow of more than 4GW. According to Korkia, focusing on project development will provide the fund with an annual income of over 10%.

Korkia’s investment approach focuses on funding renewable energy at the project development stage, as opposed to the more conventional model of building and selling energy plants in order to generate cash from electricity sales.

Over 3.5GW of solar energy deal flow has been confirmed in the United Kingdom, with 264MW in late-stage development and 963MW in active development.

Korkia has a confirmed project deal flow for wind power projects in Finland of over 600MW, with 100MW in late-stage development and 435MW in active development.

Korkia is looking into new markets such as the Finnish solar market and the Swedish solar and wind sectors, where project development collaboration conversations are already underway.

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