
EU announces call for €750m call

The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has opened a call for proposals for cross-border EU energy infrastructure projects that are included in the fifth list of projects of common interest. These projects will be co-financed through grants worth EUR 750m from the EU budget, secured under the Connecting Europe Facility – Energy (CEF Energy).

CINEA’s call focuses on works and studies for projects of common interest (PCIs). It is open until September 5, according to the European Commission. CEF Energy has a grant budget of EUR 5.84bn for the period 2021-2027. It was established to support studies and construction works in the areas of electricity, gas, smart grids and CO2 networks.

PCIs are significant infrastructure projects aimed at completing the European energy market to aid the EU in achieving its energy policy and climate objectives, such as affordable, sustainable and secure energy for all citizens and the long-term decarbonisation of the economy according to the EU Green Deal. Energy infrastructure is a critical enabler for the energy transition.

Projects selected as PCIs will automatically benefit from many advantages stemming from the Trans-European Network – Energy (TEN-E) Regulation, such as accelerated permit granting and improved regulatory treatment. CEF Energy’s studies involve preparatory, feasibility, evaluation, mapping, testing and validation activities, such as reconnaissance of the sites concerned and financial package preparation, while works involve deployment, supply and purchase of components, software, and systems and services.

An info day to present the call, explain its policy context and inform about the application and evaluation process, will be held virtually on May 12. According to the call, CEF Energy plans to sign grant agreements between February and June 2024.

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