
DigitalBridge announces investment from IFC

DigitalBridge issued an announcement today indicating that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has committed to an investment of US$100 million in digital infrastructure assets under the management of DigitalBridge in Brazil, Indonesia and Malaysia.The core goal of this investment is to enhance and broaden digital access and connectivity. IFC’s US$100 million investment includes US$75 million already disbursed to three of DigitalBridge’s portfolio companies.

These portfolio companies include: Scala Data Centers, one of the foremost scaled hyperscale data center operator located in Brazil; EdgePoint Infrastructure, an independent provider of wireless communications infrastructure with operations in Indonesia and Malaysia; and Highline do Brasil, an independent provider of wireless communications infrastructure with operations in Brazil.

IFC is set to invest approximately US$25 million in new digital infrastructure assets, especially in emerging markets which will be managed by DigitalBridge in the future. The capital provided by IFC will be used to facilitate the expansion plans of Scala, EdgePoint and Highline’s digital infrastructure operations.

This will invariably cause a commensurate surge in access to quality digital connectivity and data center capacity for both individuals and corporations in these regions. IFC’s investment serves as a validation and as a springboard for DigitalBridge’s growth strategy in emerging markets, where quality, reliable digital infrastructure is creating a platform for long-term, inclusive economic growth and a more sustainable future.

“The investment from IFC provides Scala with additional resources, including its expertise and guidance, that allow us to accelerate our growth and progress in Latin American countries through the development of digital infrastructure, as well as sharing strong principles on ESG,” said Marcos Peigo, Chief Executive Officer of Scala. “As we continue to scale our platform, Scala will remain at the forefront of digitalization, supporting economic activity in the communities we serve.”

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