
Chase weighs Blockchain for Cross-border payments

JPMorgan Chase, a leading player in the global financial sector, is reportedly exploring the application of blockchain technology to create a revolutionary digital deposit token, with the aim of expediting cross-border payments and settlements. This groundbreaking development, reported by Bloomberg, is attributed to an anonymous source with deep insights into the matter.

According to the report, JPMorgan has diligently laid the groundwork for this innovative payment system, eagerly awaiting the green light from U.S. regulatory authorities to proceed with its implementation.

Should the regulatory approval materialise, JPMorgan intends to unveil the digital deposit token for utilisation by its corporate clientele within the span of a year. In contrast to the JPM Coin, another blockchain-driven initiative by the bank, this deposit token promises seamless fund transfers to clients affiliated with other financial institutions. Furthermore, it is designed to facilitate the settlement of tokenised securities issued on blockchain networks.

Deposit tokens, which represent digital claims against commercial banks, possess the potential to revolutionise the conventional financial landscape. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, transactions can be executed instantaneously, ushering in faster settlements and potentially curtailing transaction costs.

This pioneering system will be intricately integrated with JPMorgan’s existing compliance infrastructure, ensuring that all transactions undergo requisite checks and adhere to regulatory reporting standards. Initially, the deposit token is likely to be denominated in U.S. dollars, but the possibility of extending its availability to other fiat currencies is contingent upon approval from pertinent regulatory bodies.

J.P. Morgan stands out as the first major U.S. financial institution to forge ahead with its own digital token designed for practical, real-world usage. The bank has remained at the vanguard of Wall Street’s concerted efforts to leverage blockchain technology for optimising various banking processes. In February 2019, it boldly announced that the blockchain-based cryptocurrency was engineered to facilitate “the instantaneous transfer of payments between institutional accounts.”

More recently, in February, the bank reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to the tokenisation of traditional finance, even amid the tumultuous landscape of the cryptocurrency sector.

During this period, the bank’s digital asset program, known as Onyx, had already found favour with prominent financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, DBS Bank, and BNP Paribas. An additional 15 banks and broker-dealers were reportedly exploring the prospect of joining this innovative initiative.

Tyrone Labbone, the head of the Onyx program, emphatically stated, “We believe that tokenisation represents a game-changing application for traditional finance.” In doing so, J.P. Morgan continues to spearhead the charge towards a future where blockchain technology redefines the dynamics of the global financial ecosystem.

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