
Cabei moves forward with infrastructure projects

While the Central American development bank (Cabei) works to help countries stay in, and even win, the battle against COVID, it has also managed to keep and sustain its commitment to infrastructure projects which were announced before the pandemic struck.

One of such projects is the Guatemala rail link. Guatemalan officials and the government of South Korea – which has provided financial support for research and projects in the region – had a meeting to deliberate on the research and feasibility studies being conducted regarding the planned 274km Tecún Umán-Guatemala City freight rail line. 

This study alone, which is funded by South Korea, is estimated to cost US$466,900 and is being conducted by Cabei in partnership with Fegua and Eximbank Korea. 

The line is planned to have 3 partitions – Tecún Umán to Mazatenango, Mazatenango to Santa María, and Santa María to Guatemala City.  

A second ongoing project by Cabei is the Honduras highway. Cabei disbursed the first installment for Honduras’ Anillo Periférico-CA-5 Sur highway link this month. 

The highway is located in Honduras’ capital Tegucigalpa, and is planned to stretch 5.4km from Colonia La Cañada via the current beltway to Colonia Santa Rosa.

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