
Brookfield Infrastructure reminds IPL shareholders to tender

Brookfield Infrastructure issued an announcement on Wednesday to remind IPL shareholders to tender to its offer as explained in its Fifth Notice of Variation and Extension dated August 6, 2021.

Brookfield Infrastructure believes without a doubt that it will measure up to the modified statutory minimum condition before the August 2oth deadline. Meaning it will be able to take on and pay for all the share offerings that are tendered.

In the announcement, Brookfield stated that “IPL shareholders are encouraged to tender to the Offer as soon as possible to receive their chosen form of consideration shortly after take-up.” 

The announcement also indicated that IPL shareholders who fail to tender their shares under the offer have another 10-business day extension after which they may have no other chance to sell to Brookfield. 

Any other opening for that will come after the conclusion of any “Subsequent Acquisition Transaction”, as indicated in the original offer document. 

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