
Bosnia and Herzegovina Central Bank Joins World Bank Program

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s central bank has entered into an agreement with the World Bank to join its Reserve Advisory & Management Partnership (RAMP), a program designed to provide advisory, training, and asset management services to central banks and sovereign wealth funds. This move is expected to enhance the central bank’s capabilities in managing its foreign exchange reserves.

The World Bank announced that its RAMP specialists would offer on-site support to Bosnia’s central bank, focusing on several key areas, including governance, strategic asset allocation, portfolio and risk management, and the use of foreign currency hedging instruments.

Jasmina Selimovic, the governor of Bosnia’s central bank, stated, “Cooperation with the World Bank, which provides expertise and experience, is a significant support to our efforts to improve the efficiency and compliance of foreign exchange reserve management with the highest international standards.”

The World Bank’s RAMP program serves over 70 members worldwide, offering a range of services designed to improve the management of assets and foreign exchange reserves. By joining RAMP, Bosnia and Herzegovina aims to benefit from the World Bank’s expertise in these areas and strengthen its economic resilience.

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