
BoI first signatory to UN Responsible Banking Principles

The Bank of Industry (BOI) is now an official signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking, a unified framework designed to encourage sustainable banking through an alliance between the globe and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).

The principles serve as guidelines that keep the strategy and practice of banks within the confines of what is required to keep the vision society has drawn out for the future in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement achievable.

Signing this principle means that a lender is committed to actively pursuing sustainability-oriented strategies and has also resolved to work towards mainstreaming and embedding sustainability into the heart of their operations. 

The managing director/CEO, Bank of Industry, Mr Olukayode Pitan said “We are honoured to be the first Development Finance Institution in Nigeria to commit to the UNEF FI Principles for Responsible Banking alongside other leading DFIs in the international space.

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