Carbon4 Finance

Best Carbon Data Solutions Provider – France 2023 –

Carbon4 Finance is the climate and biodiversity data provider of the Carbone 4 group founded more than 15 years ago.

Their data allow Asset Managers, Asset Owners, Banks, and Index Providers to measure the carbon and biodiversity footprint of their port- folio, assess their alignment with a 2°C-compatible scenario, and the impacts that could arise from events related to climate change and bi- odiversity loss.

Carbon4 Finance provides three databases, always with direct access to the research team:

Carbon Impact Analytics (CIA)

  • to measure the climate change impact of an investment portfolio (and its transition risks). It offers climate data for the portfolio, its carbon foot- print, and its climate alignment scenario. The emissions scopes 1,2 and 3
    are systematically recalculated with proprietary methodology and emis- sion factors by our analysts.

Climate Risk Impact Screening (CRIS)

  • to assess financial institutions’ physical risk exposure, through 7 climate hazards, 3 IPCC scenarios and 2 time horizons.

Biodiversity Impact Analytics powered by the GBS® (BIA-GBS)-

  • to measure the impact and dependencies of their portfolio with more than 11 aquatic and terrestrial potential pressures.

Thanks to its scientific expertise, Carbon4 Finance was chosen as the official data provider for the European Central Bank and more than 20 European National banks.