
47% of deals closed in the first half of 2021 are in the fintech sector

As far as investments go on the continent of Africa, 2021 is on course to be a record-setting year, especially as regards the total size of deals closed so far.

When it comes to investments on the African continent, 2021 is set to be a record year in terms of the total size of deals closed.

In a continent with more than 600 investment firms that deal in venture capital, private equity, or asset management, so far in the first half of 2021, total investments into African startups have reached US$1.19bn.

Of all sectors, fintech stands out as the top choice of investors within the region, taking up over about 47% of the total deal volume as it stands, from over 200 investment firms. 

The investment deals reached in Africa so far are over 921, including 301 deals in the southern part of Africa, 230 in the Eastern region, 212 in West Africa, 90 in the Northern Region, and 68 in the central African region.

Comparing the US$3.3bn in investments recorded in the whole of 2020 to the US$1.19bn already recorded in the first half of 2021, it is safe to say that investments this year can still match or even surpass that of 2020.

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