Nickel Digital Asset Management (“Nickel”)

Best Digital Asset Manager – Europe 2022

Nickel Digital Asset Management (“Nickel”) is an award-winning investment manager of digital assets, offering secure institutional-grade access to the digital asset market. The firm’s mission is to build a bridge between traditional finance and the nascent crypto market. Nickel is authorised and regulated by FCA in the UK and a member firm of the National Futures Association in the US.

Nickel’s senior management team brings decades of experience from traditional finance, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Bankers Trust, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Rothschild, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, BNP as well as leading hedge funds, such as DE Shaw, Eisler, and Cheyne Capital. The firm deploys low-latency algorithmic trading systems, pursuing a range of arbitrage strategies in both spot and derivative markets that take advantage of volatility, price dislocations and arbitrage opportunities offered by crypto markets. Nickel relies on powerful proprietary 24/7/365 trading and risk management systems to deliver a consistent stream of returns.

Nickel’s flagship fund, the Digital Asset Arbitrage Fund, deploys market-neutral strategies in the crypto space and has delivered consistent returns since launch (+31.3% cumulatively), with a Sharpe of 3.1 and volatility of 3.5%. In total, the firm manages four funds with distinct risk/return profiles. Firmwide AUM is approximately $300mm as of March 1, 2022.

Nickel has received several industry awards since inception, including the HFM Quant Performance Award (2021), HFM EuroHedge Emerging Managers Award (2020), Crypto Fund Research Award (2021), and Hedgeweek US Digital Assets Award (2022).