Gonet & Cie SA

Best Digital Wealth Solutions Provider – Switzerland 2022 –

Lemania – Pension Hub, which was founded in 2018 on the initiative of Gonet & Cie SA Bank with the support from the Mirabaud Group at a time when the pension sector is experiencing a boom. It was initiated by bringing together three foundations: the FRPI (Fondation romande en faveur de la prévoyance individuelle), the FLLP, (Fondation Lemania de libre passage) and the FCDE (Fondation pour cadres et dirigeants d’entreprises).

The platform is fully digitalised for its partners active in pension planning and asset management. It has already met its goal of becoming the first open platform in Switzerland to bring together top providers from the pension and financial sectors. It has assets under management at CHF 450 million after a little more than three years of operation, with a goal of CHF 1 billion by 2028–2030.

The lemania pension hub has already been awarded multiple awards for its ingenuity and platform. It uses a unique approach integrating a one-stop shop for pension brokers and authorised asset managers. The online interface is used to compare the many mutual funds that are available for investment while the Client Lifecycle Data Management (CLM) Dashboard is used by the partners to onboard end clients with a digital signature.

PAN Finance