
Most Innovative PETs Company – USA 2022 –

Enveil is a pioneering Privacy Enhancing Technology company protecting Data in Use. Enveil’s business-enabling and privacy-preserving capabilities change the paradigm of how and where organizations can leverage data to unlock value. Defining the transformative category of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), Enveil’s ZeroReveal® solutions allow analysts to securely derive insights, cross-match, and search third-party data assets without ever revealing the sensitive/regulated content contained in the search itself or compromising the security or ownership of the underlying data.

ZeroReveal is the most mature encrypted search, analytic, and machine learning solution on the market, delivering the company’s core PETs-powered capabilities to address business challenges including data sharing, collaboration, monetization, and regulatory compliance. Enveil’s decentralized approach allows data to be securely and privately leveraged between entities and across organizational, jurisdictional, and security boundaries, expanding data utility without the need to move or pool sensitive assets. Organizations can utilize the groundbreaking, privacy-preserving capabilities at scale to enable critical business functions as part of normal workflows.

Enveil protects data while it’s being used or processed, focusing on the security and privacy posture of the search or analytic in order to protect a customer’s interests in the data, as well as the content of the operation and its corresponding results. Further, Enveil’s machine learning capabilities extend the boundary of trusted compute by enabling encrypted federated learning and the secure usage of disparate, decentralized datasets for machine learning applications. As the only NIAP Common Criteria and CSfC-certified Data in Use security company, Enveil’s proxy-layer software solution is being used at scale for business-enabling applications in regulated industries such as financial services and healthcare.

Founded by U.S. Intelligence Community alumni with backgrounds in mathematics, algorithmics, and machine learning, Enveil is revolutionizing data privacy and security by addressing a Data in Use challenge that people have been chasing for more than 40 years. Enveil is deployed and operational today and has raised more than $40 million since its formation in 2016, solidifying the company’s position as the market leader ready to revolutionize data usage in the global marketplace.

Learn more at www.enveil.com.