Most Innovative Investment Solutions – Jordan 2022 –

Bitcoin (BTC) is the best performing asset in the history of mankind. However, there are problems; It’s hard to get into, it trades 24/7/365 and is extremely volatile, which means that 90% of traders will lose 90% of their funds the first 90 days of trading.

Enter AYMBot®. AYMBot® is a fully automated and non-custodial AI powered, crypto-asset trading and investing solution. It allows anyone to gain exposure to the returns promised by BTC while limiting risk to predetermined systematic levels.

AYMBot® is smart, it knows when to buy and when to sell, how much to risk and whether the risk is worth taking to begin with. AYMBot® then proceeds to execute all the trades on your behalf and continues to monitor and manage the trades 24/7/365 so that you don’t have to. AYMBot® is also able to generate passive income in down trending bear markets!

Users keep their funds on them at all times and are free to withdraw whenever they like at a click of a button, there are absolutely no lockup periods or hidden fees.

Anyone can use AYMBot®, it takes 5 minutes to set up and gets started immediately so that anyone can trade in and generate wealth from bitcoin like the pros!

AYMBot® is able to differentiate itself from the competition by requiring zero user prerequisite knowledge or intervention.

AYMBot® works because our algorithms have been built from the ground up to trade bitcoin. We employ the bleeding edge in technical analysis and Algorithmic Tracking and Tracing combined with time tested risk management and position sizing disciplines to maximise your returns and protect your capital, all at a click of a button.

In 6 short months AYMBot® was able to close multiple funding rounds, create an industry, accumulate over $15 million in assets under management, and thus far has been generating over $50 million in monthly trading volume.

Since inception AYMBot® has on-boarded over 3000 happy users and managed to partner with Binance; the world’s largest crypto-asset trading platform. November 2021 saw AYMBot®’s largest monthly user increase with a staggering 700% increase month on month.

AYMBot® have also attracted institutional interest from some of the top regional investment banks and family offices. AYMBot® remains hard at work so that AYMBot® can disrupt the way wealth is generated.

AYMBot®, Press on.