For about 3 years, I was Managing Director of Société Générale Cameroun, this flagship bank that has been operating in Cameroon since 1963. During this period, I was positively impressed by the work of my teams, thanks to which I am honoured today. Work, abnegation, team spirit, commitment, are some of the words that sum up my career in this great institution that substantially supports the economy of Cameroon and the Central African sub-region. I am particularly delighted to be leaving this position on a high note, knowing that the adventure has only just begun for me as Société Générale's Regional Director for Central and East Africa.
Mareme Mbaye Ndiaye
Société Générale's Regional Director
"At Banking Circle, we are committed to substantial investment in the integration of a vast network of local clearing and payments schemes to build a unique super-correspondent banking network. This network allows us to do 'the heavy lifting' for our Bank, Payments business and online marketplace clients. To have been recognised by Pan Finance for the significance of the platform we have built is confirmation that we are making a real difference to the B2B cross-border payments landscape."
Anders la Cour
CEO of Banking Circle Group
We are extremely happy with the recognition from Pan Finance for Héctor Valdez Albizu as Central Bank Governor for the year 2021, Latin America region, for his excellent management of the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic., The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (CBDR) has reported that the Monthly Economic Activity Indicator (IMAE) registered a remarkable accumulated average increase of 12.4% from January to October 2021, after experiencing during October a year-over-year change of 9.7%.
Héctor Valdez Albizu
Governor of the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
"Over the past decade, our sustainability journey has led us to restructure our business operations and develop new strategies that aim to create a brighter future for our customers and the wider world. The 2021 Pan Finance Awards Highlight Access Bank’s Significant Contributions in Financial Inclusion & Sustainability."
Herbert Wigwe
Access Bank, Group Managing Director
Upon receiving a Pan Finance award María Clara Alviárez, executive president of Banesco Banco Múltiple, "In recent years, we have deployed a robust transformation plan that has allowed us to work based on customer needs and offer products and services in line with changing times"
María Clara Alviárez
Executive President of Banesco Banco Múltiple

Award Partners & Collaborators