
Payment Glitch Affects Thousands of Bank Customers

Thousands of customers of major UK banks, including HSBC, Barclays, Nationwide, and Virgin Money, are still experiencing delays in receiving payments following a system glitch on Friday. Although many payments have been processed, some customers are still waiting.

Peter Carroll, head of public affairs company Tendo and a Virgin Money customer, reported that 12 of his 16 employees have not been paid. Despite assurances from Virgin Money that payments would be resolved by the end of the day, delays continue. Carroll expressed concern about potential missed standing orders or rent payments.

A Virgin Money spokesperson stated, “New payments are now flowing normally and we’ve cleared the backlog over the weekend to resolve delayed payments.” However, Carroll reported his payments were still pending.

Pay UK, the operator of the payment system, is working with banks to ensure services return to normal.

Hasan Boyraz, a security worker in London, had to decline a weekend shift due to lack of funds after not receiving his salary on Friday. He said his manager’s attempts to process his pay through Barclays were unsuccessful. Boyraz, who was expecting his salary at the end of the month, had to cancel plans and hopes the issue will be resolved by Monday when his phone bill is due.

HSBC, Nationwide, Barclays, and Virgin Money all issued apologies for the payment delays on Friday. Nationwide confirmed that its backlog had been cleared by Friday. Barclays has not yet commented on the situation.

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